Technical cooperation in Peru: mission to Juliaca

Du 29 au 31 mai, l’équipe de Codatu au Pérou (Francesca Gal, chargée de coopération, et Jean-Marc Mirailles, expert senior) et Mariela Rodriguez de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) ont accompagné les représentants du Programme National de Transport Urbain Durable (Promovilidad) du Ministère des Transports et Communications à Juliaca.
From 29 to 31 May, the Codatu team in Peru (Francesca Gal, cooperation officer, and Jean-Marc Mirailles, senior expert) and Mariela Rodriguez from the French Development Agency (AFD) accompanied representatives of the National Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (Promovilidad) from the Ministry of Transport and Communications to Juliaca.

Located at an altitude of 3800m, close to the border with Bolivia, the town of Juliaca is a key commercial hub in the southern region of the country. Due to its record rate of urbanisation, it is experiencing unbridled growth which, along with the overlapping of formal and informal activities, is generating a whole series of problems for its inhabitants, particularly in terms of mobility and accessibility in the city centre.
With a view to the forthcoming funding of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and a feasibility study for a structuring public transport corridor project for Juliaca through the European Union’s LAIF funds, this joint field visit made it possible to establish an articulated working relationship with the Provincial Municipality to respond to these challenges.

Codatu, through the cooperation programme established with AFD and the Peruvian Ministry of Transport, is supporting Promovilidad and local government officials in drawing up the Terms of Reference for this ambitious mobility planning study for the city.