This is the list of results of our activities:
CODATU-MobiliseYourCity publications on paratransit (2022):

“Paratransit Toolkit”, volume 1 (Understanding paratransit) and volume 2 (catalogue of actions), which will soon be expanded with 2 further volumes (diagnosis, case studies).
Guidance notes for the Urban Transport project (2022):
Other CODATU publications:

Study “Manual de ciclo-infrastructuras y micromovilidad para Ecuador (Despacio)” (Fexte Ecuador – 2022)

Booklet “A transicao para uma mobilidade inclusiva” (Fexte Brasil – February 2019)

Booklet “Vers une mobilité urbaine durable en Tunisie” (Fexte 1 Tunisia – July 2018)

Petit guide d’une journée sans voiture (July 2018)

Booklet “Como implementar un sistema integrado de transporte en las ciudades peruanas?” (Fexte Peru – May 2018)

Booklet “The Kochi Metro Experience: a valuable contribution to the history of Indian metros” (Fexte Kochi – July 2017)

Paratransit (2015)

Who pays what (2014)

Guidance and Recommandations “Urban Transport in the Mediterranean Region” (In French) (2008)