European projects

AUTREMENT – Urban Planning of the Territory to Reinvent Mobility and Engage Tunisians

Resulting from the Strasbourg – Kairouan decentralised cooperation launched in 2016 on urban transport, the “AUTREMENT” project started on 1 June 2020 with the following partners: Mahdia, CEREMA, CODATU and ALDA. This project of nearly 3 million euros, 95% subsidised by the European Union, aims to promote sustainable urban development in Kairouan and Mahdia to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants as well as the economic and tourist attractiveness. The development of active mobility, mainly cycling – through the implementation of facilities and dedicated services – and the strengthening of citizen participation in local governance are the cornerstones around which the project, which will last nearly 40 months, is structured.

In 2022, the expert missions were finally able to be held in person, given the improvement in the health context. The design studies for the developments in Kairouan and Mahdia continued, supported by numerous citizen consultations. The PMUDP – Plan de Mobilité Durable et Partagé de Kairouan (Sustainable and Shared Mobility Plan of Kairouan) was also launched. The year was marked by the launch of a call for projects aimed at associations to develop services to promote cycling: cycle schools, repairs, awareness-raising, cycle tourism, etc. The winners receive a financial grant and are supported by the partners and a bicycle incubator. The project will continue until August 2023 with, in particular, development work in Kairouan and Mahdia, the implementation of bicycle services and a highlight from 23 to 25 May 2023: the Inter-Regional Forum on Active Mobility in Mahdia.

Urban Transport Community in the Mediterranean” (Interreg Med GoSUMP project) 2016-2022

Within the framework of this European project, which will be completed at the end of December 2022, CODATU has participated in the animation of the “Mediterranean Urban Transport Community” for more than 6 years. This Community was developed within the framework of the “Go SUMP” and then “Urban Transports” projects, led by MedCities (Barcelona, Spain), in partnership with CODATU, UNIMED (Rome, Italy), Area Science Park (Trieste, Italy), CIVINET CY-EL (Cyprus-Greece), POLIS (Brussels, Belgium) and the municipality of Durres (Durres, Albania).

The main objective of this second phase was to capitalise on the results of the first phase. In 2020, a catalogue of good practices was put online and numerous thematic webinars were held. A mentoring programme (2021-2022) helped 8 local authorities to design sustainable urban mobility projects. CODATU coordinated two of these eight mentoring programmes promoting cooperation between Mediterranean cities:

  • A mentoring programme in Sfax (Tunisia) with the support of the city of Misano Adriatico (Italy) and the TTK consultancy firm concerning the elaboration of a policy for the development of active modes of transport and the identification of two pilot development projects.
  • A mentoring programme in Larissa (Greece) with the support of the City of Rimini (Italy) and the expert Zoi Christoforou concerning the optimisation of the automation of the management of access to the pedestrian city centre and the exploitation of mass data from this system in order to evaluate the sustainable urban mobility policy.

CODATU also participated in the organisation of a European level seminar in Brussels in May 2022, as well as in the drafting of strategic orientation notes on the different topics dealt with in the mentoring. A Mediterranean Urban Mobility Forum took place in October 2022 and brought together a large number of cities from both sides of the Mediterranean. CODATU actively contributed by coordinating the “Meet our Community” session and by providing training on electromobility.

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