Word from the President

“43 years at the service of the communities and cities of the South! This wonderful saga deserved this new digital showcase to tell it.

Over the years, we have supported, piloted and accompanied dozens of projects and initiatives which today make up our wealth and the diversity of our knowledge. This expertise, focused on developing countries, is unique in the world in the field of sustainable and inclusive mobility.

We have needed, and will continue to need, all our capacities to adapt in order to accompany our partners in the face of climatic, demographic, energy and human changes, and to share, maintain and enrich our skills and those of our members. And we have done it, all together, with our employees, members and partners.

In 2023, our team will have to demonstrate once again its agility and its spirit of innovation, by leading ambitious international projects which testify to the vitality of CODATU, the dynamism of our partners, and our determined action to take up the challenges of ecological and energy transition:

In Côte d’Ivoire, we continue to support the young Urban Mobility Authority of Greater Abidjan (AMUGA), at a crucial stage in its development and at a time when the stakes are enormous with the arrival of capacity modes (Metro and BRT).

In Madagascar, we are supporting a project to professionalise a pilot Artisanal Transport line, to demonstrate that it is possible to provide a professional and efficient service to users in a complex environment and a territory where poverty is very high.

In Niger, we are helping the Niamey City Council to relaunch its bus company and to adopt a real global policy for urban mobility, a first in this country.

In Peru, we are working with the State to facilitate the development of tramways in provincial cities.

In Buenos Aires, we are working with the City Council on innovative solutions for active modes of transport in working-class neighbourhoods.

Within the Mobilise Your City secretariat, we continue to promote SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) as tools for decarbonisation and access to finance, with the goal of reaching a hundred member cities soon.  

2023 will be an opportunity for CODATU to organise and hold a major regional forum on mobility in Latin America from 26 to 28 June in BOGOTA, in partnership with Transdev and the University of the Andes.

There is no shortage of projects at a time when demographic and climatic pressure is becoming ever stronger in the countries of the South. In order to support governments and partner cities, we have created the Club of Mobility Organising Authorities for local authorities in the North and South. We are also working on setting up a Committee of Wise Men, designed to dialogue with and listen to the highest authorities.

Finally, new types of cooperation are emerging, such as the “1% decentralised mobility cooperation”. We support this mechanism alongside the GART, to accelerate the global alliance of cities on mobility and climate, which is essential to meet the challenges ahead.

Continue to follow our work on the CODATU website, the adventure has only just begun… “


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