MobiliseYourCity Training Materials Catalogue
To scale and facilitate the capacity-building process, MobiliseYourCity developed a full catalogue of training materials, encapsulating the most important knowledge about Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning.
The training catalogue consists of individual training modules, each dealing with a specific topic related to the SUMP process. The training catalogue also addresses specific issues that need to be integrated in a SUMP but that do not refer to the planning methodology themselves, such as the trainings ‘Linking land-use and transport planning’, ‘Integrating gender into SUMPs’, ‘Paratransit contracting schemes’, ‘Financing active transport’, among others.
For more information, visit the MobiliseYourCity website.
Online training

By 2050, more than 1.5 billion people will live in Africa’s cities… To meet this growth and the mobility needs of urban dwellers while building more sustainable and inclusive cities, large cities are developing mass transport systems. The implementation of these projects is based on a prior understanding of the specificities of mobility in African cities, on the construction of a long-term vision and solid governance and financing models.
These elements are at the heart of the Urban Mobility MOOC in Africa! This distance training takes place over 5 weeks of courses and involves a dozen experts in the sector through short videos, complemented by testimonies from several African metropolises.
For more information on the MOOC, contact us!