Technical Cooperation Angola: study visit by an Angolan delegation to Paris and Lyon
From 25 to 29 March, AFD and Codatu welcomed an Angolan delegation on a study trip to Paris and Lyon.

The 13-member delegation, chaired by Mr Jorge Bengue Calumbo, Secretary of State for Land Transport, was mainly made up of officials from the Angolan Ministry of Transport, but also included other key players involved in setting up the transport network. In attendance were the Vice-Governor of Luanda, representatives of the mobility departments of the provinces of Luanda, Benguela and Huila, a representative of the Ministry of Finance, and a representative of the Ministry of Territorial Administration.

The aim of the visit was to visit the transport networks and meet the local teams to find out more about the process of planning, designing and financing capacity-building urban transport networks, and to understand the role of each player in setting up a sustainable urban mobility system.

Many thanks to our partners IDFM, Société du Grand Paris, Keolis Lyon, SPL Lyon Part-Dieu, Mission Carré de Soie for their welcome and their presentations, which generated a great deal of interest and lively debate among the members of the delegation.

The dynamic partnership with the Agence Française de Développement and the Angolan Ministry of Transport continues!