Communication mission for the project to modernise Taxis Be in Antananarivo
From 26 January to 02 February, Marie-Hélène Chapel, CODATU’s expert in sustainable mobility marketing and communication, and Jean-Jacques Helluin, CODATU’s General Delegate, joined the CODATU team based in Antananarivo (Madagascar), to develop communication for the Taxi Be modernisation project.
The aim was to develop a communication strategy to mobilise all stakeholders around this innovative project.
The mission was organised around 3 key actions:
- observing the layout and characteristics of the neighbourhoods and roads in the field,
- meeting the main local stakeholders
- listening to citizens’ opinions through the testimonies of communications professionals.
The CODATU team met the Secretary General of the Madagascar Business Group (GEM) to explain the advantages of having a Company Mobility Plan and to discuss the role of mobility in the daily lives of workers, and by extension, in the economic framework of companies operating in Madagascar.

Meeting with the Secretary of the Madagascar Business Group (Groupement des Entreprises de Madagascar)
A meeting was also held with the Director General of the Antananarivo Higher Institute of Technology to discuss future collaboration.

The CODATU team with the Director of the Antananarivo Higher Institute of Technology
Finally, CODATU had lunch with Mr Roger Mahazoasy, former Minister of Tourism and current Special Adviser on Decentralised Cooperation, as well as representatives of the Association des Professionnels de l’Urbain de Madagascar, to talk about mobility governance and the communication and strategy components of the taxi be modernisation project.

Meeting with Mr Roger Mahazoasy, former Minister of Tourism and current Special Adviser on Decentralised Cooperation, and representatives of the Association des Professionnels de l’Urbanisme de Madagascar (Madagascar Association of Town Planning Professionals)
The mission also included discussions with the Director of the Antananarivo town planning agency, the communications directors of the Ministry of Transport and the Antananarivo Urban Community, stakeholders in public passenger transport, and directors of communications and press agencies.
All these meetings enabled Marie Hélène Chapel to define a communications strategy in line with the needs and expectations of the various stakeholders in this original and innovative project.