World Bike Forum : 8th Edition [Ecuador : 25-28 April 2019]
Quito will host the 8th Edition of the World Bike Forum (FMB8) from the 25th to the 28th of april of 2019, to promote convivial and safe interactions between street users.
This year, the World Bike Forum will rely on the concept of “Minga”, an Andean tradition where social utility is achieved collectively through community work. Participants will be invited to work on the construction of sustainable mobility for everyone by tackling issues such as ethnical diversity, gender, autonomous work, migration and public policies.
The Ecuadorian capital expects the participation of 5000 citizens from all over the world in the different activities that will take place: conferences, workshops, urban interventions, artistic and cultural expressions and sport activities.
World Bike Forum
The WBF was born in 2012 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, after a car driver knocked over twenty cyclists during a collective cycling tour.
Since 2012, the WBF takes place each year in a different city. Past editions were organized in Porto Alegre, in 2012 y 2013, Curitiba (Brazil) in 2014, Medellín (Colombia) in 2015, Santiago (Chili) in 2016, México in 2017 and Lima (Peru) in 2018.
See also
In December of 2018, Codatu hosted a workshop in Quito, Ecuador, to discuss the development of cycling infrastructures in Ecuador, in partnership with the French Development Agency, Cerema, French Ministry of Ecology and Ecuadorian Ministry of Transport.