The CODATU Regional Forum in Bogota 2023: the results
The CODATU Bogota 2023 Regional Forum “Urban Mobility in Latin America” was a success!
The event brought together representatives from more than 15 Latin American cities (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Mexico), as well as from a number of African and French cities, along with business leaders (operators, builders, consultancies, etc.), leading academics, donors, NGOs and a number of experts from the urban mobility sector.
The forum panels at the University of the Andes – Colombia, provided an opportunity for rich exchanges on the issues of governance, planning, financing, the transition from conventional transport to a modern integrated transport system, social and gender inclusion, intermodality, the development of active modes and electric mobility.

Technical visits to the TransMiCable, Green Móvil and BRT Laguna bus depots, as well as tactical urban planning initiatives in the San Felipe district, demonstrated the dynamic innovation and social action associated with the transport projects underway in Bogotá.

What next? The participants expressed their wish to continue! To exchange and share experiences between cities, between mobility actors, and to consolidate CODATU’s links with Latin America for new collaborations! The following avenues were mentioned and will be explored over the coming weeks: creation of a Latin American network of OAMs (similar to the African association of AOMs recently created following the CODATU Conference in Dakar), with links to the MobiliseYourCity community of practice in Latin America; technical assistance from CODATU for medium-sized towns in terms of professionalising small-scale transport; capitalising on Latin American innovations in urban mobility, particularly for African cities; creating a training course on urban mobility management in partnership with the University of the Andes and technical visits to Bogota and Medellin.

Many thanks to the participants, speakers and sponsors who made this event possible! And a big thank you to our partners Transdev and the University of the Andes, with whom we are proud of this success.

Download the report on the CODATU Forum panels at the University of the Andes here in French and here in Spanish.