[Report] Urban Mobility Forum In Egypt: Efficient Urban Transport for Sustainable Cities
This Report presents the conclusions of the 2nd
Urban Mobility Forum (UMF) in Egypt which was organised November 22th, 2017 by AFD, CODATU and CEREMA under the title “Efficient Urban Transport for Sustainable Cities”. The Forum was dedicated to the integration between urban planning and transport, in particular through innovative mobility solutions.
The workshop was organized in close collaboration with the Egyptian partners and with the participation of His Excellency the Minister of Transport, Her Excellency the Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, His Excellency the French Ambassador to Egypt, local and national stakeholders and companies, policy makers, top level representatives of the Ministry of Transport, representatives of private and public associations and universities, as well as international experts.
Considering the Egyptian context, the Cairo 2nd UMF focused on the planning and financing of the urban transport network expansion projects, and analyse together with national and local stakeholders concrete measures and actions. The ultimate goal was to come-up with appropriate,concrete and implementable solutions to plan and expand the Egyptian urban transport network.