Senghor University, International French Language University (Alexandria, Egypt), a direct operator of the Francophonie, has been offering, for more than 20 years now, multidisciplinary and multi-thematic training courses devoted to sustainable development in a context of globalisation. Its vocation is to train and perfect high-level executives from the public and private sectors and to orient their skills towards the exercise of responsibilities in certain priority areas for development.
Senghor University, an international francophone university with a professional aim, working for African development, is nonetheless open to all francophones and prepares them for development jobs in line with the Francophonie Summits held in Ouagadougou in 2004, Bucharest in 2006, Quebec City in 2008, Montreux in 2010 and Kinshasa in 2014. It pilots development projects through the work of its students, weaving a network of skills and expertise through the professionalization of its auditors, continuous and distance training.

Senghor University
Senghor University, CODATU's partner in setting up short or diploma courses for urban mobility actors in Africa, and in creating a network of training institutes.
Practical information
1 Place Ahmed Orabi, Mansheya, Alexandrie – Égypte
1 Place Ahmed Orabi, Mansheya, Alexandrie – Égypte