Sciences Po Rennes, public institution of higher education.

Created in 1991, Sciences Po Rennes is a public institution of higher education whose vocation is to train students, from the whole population, for responsible jobs in the public, private and associative sectors, in France as well as in Europe and the rest of the world.

The professional outlets are very varied. The multi-disciplinary nature of the course, combined with innovative teaching methods, enables students to acquire specific knowledge and skills that are recognised and sought after by companies, local authorities, associations, etc., in a constantly changing world and society.

The initial training, a five-year course, is based on a unique teaching model. A multidisciplinary training of excellence in the field of humanities and social sciences (law, economics, history, political science) which allows to apprehend a great diversity of approaches and tools of analysis of the contemporary world, its stakes and transformations in becoming.

Practical information
104, Boulevard de la Duchesse Anne, CS 50801
35708 RENNES CEDEX - France
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