Mission on the financing of public transport in Greater Abidjan

From 15 to 17 January 2025, Raymond Deschamps, CODATU volunteer and board member, travelled to Abidjan to take part in the feedback workshop for phase 3 of the study on the financing of public transport in Greater Abidjan. This study, carried out by the Nodalis, 2P2B and SETEC consortium, is part of the FEXTE Abidjan project, a cooperation between CODATU, AMUGA (Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority) and AFD.
The workshop provided an opportunity to present the assessments of the financial viability of Abidjan’s future public transport system to Abidjan’s stakeholders and various ministries. Discussions focused on the balance to be struck between subsidies and fares, in order to achieve a satisfactory cost-revenue balance for the system.
With the expertise of Raymond Deschamps, former Managing Director of SYTRAL Mobilités, discussions continued with AMUGA on the key points of these analyses and on the operational implementation of the fare strategy.