
French Global Environment Facility (FFEM)
Financial partner in the implementation of the MobiliseYourCity initiative.
Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE)
Ad hoc support for the promotion and development of the MobiliseYourCity partnership, awareness-raising on climate issues related to urban transport and capacity building of mobility stakeholders in cities in the South.
Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE)
One-off partner in the promotion of decentralised cooperation, capacity building and the publication of works with a view to raising the international profile of French systems for organising mobility.
Métropole de Lyon
The Metropole de Lyon participates in international actions to promote good practice in governance and public transport systems, particularly by hosting foreign delegations.
Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), financial partner of the : Master "Transport and sustainable urban mobility in Africa" in Lomé Master "Transport and sustainable urban mobility" in Rabat Activities of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Network (REMUD) of training institutes
SYTRAL Mobilités
SYTRAL Mobilités participates in international actions to promote good practice in governance and public transport systems, in particular by hosting foreign delegations.
Centre d’Etudes et d’expertise sur les Risques, l’Environnement, la Mobilité et l’Aménagement (CEREMA)
CEREMA provides high-level technical expertise on CODATU projects, providing technical documentation and training to southern partners.
URBALYON participates in cooperation actions on themes related to the creation of urban agencies, the implementation of Urban Travel Plans (PDU), and the training of managers on subjects related to urban planning.
Fonds Mondial pour le Développement des Villes (FMDV)
CODATU's technical partner in the search for financing and investment solutions that promote the sustainable urban development of territories.
Climate Chance
CLIMATE CHANCE, CODATU's partner in climate-related advocacy and capacity building.
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