15 May 2023

CODATU Regional Forum in Bogota: registration is open!

We announced the CODATU Regional Forum “Urban Mobility in Latin America”, which will be held in Bogota, Colombia, from 26 to 28 June 2023.

As a reminder, the CODATU Forum, co-organised by CODATU, TRANSDEV and the University of the Andes, will bring together more than 200 personalities and territorial mobility experts from France and Latin America, including representatives of local and national authorities, business leaders in the mobility sector, researchers, NGOs, donors, etc.

Registration is now open! A web page has been created especially for the event to inform you and register: https://evento.uniandes.edu.co/es/foro-regional-codatu/

Discover the video that was created especially for the occasion, with the participation of François DUROVRAY, President of CODATU, and Thierry MALLET, President of TRANSDEV: