Codatu organises a training course on cable transport for the Colombian Ministry of Transport

On 28 January 2025, CODATU organised a training course in Bogotá, on the premises of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Unit (@UMUS) of the Colombian Ministry of Transport. Co-hosted by Lucile Boudet (distance learning) and Martin Jolain (face-to-face), the session aimed to explore the issues involved in urban cable transport projects, by addressing the objectives and recommendations necessary for their success.
CODATU introduced the session by presenting the key elements to be taken into account in a cable project to ensure its success, from the governance and financing of the project to the monitoring and evaluation of its operation.

Next, two representatives of POMA, Renaud Gorria and Horus Camelo, presented the technical and operational aspects of a cable transport project, using several examples from Latin America.

Enfin, Luis Angel Guzman, professeur à l’Université des Andes, a conclu cette session avec les transformations sociales possibles liées à un projet de transport par câble, en se basant sur le cas du téléphérique du quartier de Ciudad Bolivar à Bogotá.
Les participants de UMUS, Gobernancion de Cundinamarca, Alcaldía de Soacha et Alcaldia La Calera ont pu mieux comprendre les enjeux d’un projet de transport par câble qui est un outil de mobilité innovant et un levier de transformation urbaine, mais dont la réussite dépend de plusieurs facteurs : une planification rigoureuse, une intermodalité optimisée, une bonne insertion urbaine, etc. Cette formation apporte les clés aux acteurs pour assurer le succès de leurs projets de câble sur leur territoire.
Merci aux intervenants et aux participants ! CODATU espère pouvoir accompagner ces projets dans le futur.
Finally, Luis Angel Guzman, professor at the University of the Andes, concluded the session with the possible social transformations associated with a cable transport project, based on the case of the cable car in the Ciudad Bolivar district of Bogotá.
The participants from UMUS, Gobernancion de Cundinamarca, Alcaldía de Soacha and Alcaldia La Calera were able to gain a better understanding of the issues involved in a cable transport project, which is an innovative mobility tool and a lever for urban transformation, but whose success depends on a number of factors: rigorous planning, optimised intermodality, good urban integration, and so on. This training course provides the key to ensuring the success of cable projects in your area.
Thank you to the speakers and participants! CODATU looks forward to supporting these projects in the future.