CODATU 2025 Greeting Ceremony
CODATU’s new year’s greetings took place on Tuesday 14 January 2025 at Leonard:Paris. Chaired by François DUROVRAY and in the presence of the Executive Board (Christian Philip, Thibault de Lambert, Raymond Deschamps, Marie-Hélène Chapel), this ceremony was an opportunity for the CODATU team to meet its members and partners.

After an introduction by Julien Villalongue, Director of Leonard:Paris, host of the ceremony, Christian Philip, interim President of Codatu for the duration of François DUROVRAY‘s ministerial mandate, took the stand. He spoke of his satisfaction at having fulfilled this role during these few months, but also of his ‘disappointment’ at not having been able to see François DUROVRAY continue his duties as Minister of Transport.

In his speech, François DUROVRAY spoke of his pleasure at once again becoming President of Codatu, and reviewed the various projects developed by the association during 2024: the Codatu 2030 Vision, which has been finalised and approved by the Board of Directors, and which marks a strong development course for the association, the various agreements signed during the year, the cooperation projects that are developing, the development of local branches such as in Madagascar, and the subject of the 1% Urban Mobility, in which he intends to get personally involved, along with the volunteers and members of CODATU.
He also shared his experience as Minister of Transport, expressing the extent to which mobility is a major development issue and the extent to which France plays a major role in sustainable urban mobility internationally.
François DUROVRAY concluded his speech by recalling the specific nature of Codatu, the association’s impact on international sustainable urban mobility, and the pleasure of once again working to develop the association.
The entire Codatu team would like to thank Leonard:Paris for its warm welcome.