16 November 2015

Discussion Session: The cities of the Middle East at the eve of a “sustainable spring” ?

With a view to foster converging perspectives by gathering both research and business communities, CODATU, in partnership with CNAM Rhône Alpes, organizes on Wednesday 18th November 2015 in Lyon a discussion session on the following topic:

cities of the Middle-East at the eve of a “sustainable spring”?”

We are glad to welcome:

Mr. Eric Verdeil, researcher at the CNRS, attached to the LATTS (Paris), will do a presentation named: Sustainability in the Middle Eastern cities: paradigm shift or camouflage?

Mr. Didier Boudon, project director at Egis Rail (Lyon) will do a presentation named: The Riyad’s metro, a pharaonic project in the land of the black gold

Mr. Eliott Ducharme, Project assistant at CODATU will do a presentation named: What about the micro-operators of public transport in the sustainable mobility paradigm shift?


For more informations:

Registrations: Please, fill the form below
Date : Wednesday the 18th of november 2015
Schredules: from 5 to 7 pm
Location : Cnam Rhône-Alpes / le Cubix / salle 4
4 rue Ravier 69007 Lyon (Métro ligne B – station Jean Jaurès)
